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Alijah Finds A Tampon

Of course, the first thing he pulls out of Mommy’s purse is a tampon, which he unwrapped in record time and began playing with. Maybe he thought it was a rocket.


This one is cool - here in Seattle, for the month of March we have something going on called Twenty-Five for $25. Basically, twenty-five of Seattle’s top restaurants are offering a month of savings, providing three-course prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus for $25 and $12.50 per person respectively. I am excited because most of the restaurants on the list I have yet to visit, so March should be filled with a lot of delicious goodness. Of course, eating at home can be just as good - but not everyone has that luxury. If you live here in Seattle, of if you plan to be in town during the month, check out the Twenty-Five for $25 list.

Monica Dinner

When Monica goes to town in the kitchen, the result is always a salivating treat. Above is a dinner we had a little bit ago, which included a roasted hen, brussel sprouts (I eat my vegetables), and pumpkin ravioli with some sort of berried butter sauce. Deelish.

So, yet another site has debuted that aims to rate bloggers. The Blog 50 lists the 50 most influential bloggers out there. My take? There are some flaws. What stands out immediately to me as odd is Kevin Rose’s placement at #9. Yes, Digg is an amazing place to get news. Heck, it is an internet phenom. However, how is Kevin an influential blogger? Where is he doing all this influential blogging? One look at his personal blog show’s he has posted 11 times in the past three and a half months, and only four times so far in 2006.

Peter Rojas is a blogger. Gina Trapini is as well. However, some of the names on this list don’t look like they belong, simply because they don’t really manage a blog. That doesn’t mean they aren’t influential people, mind you, just not influential bloggers.

So, Scoble asked people to enter the term “” into their posts as a way to test the different blog search engines. Since it’s a made up word and all, it makes sense that when you search any given service for that term, you would only get back posts that are a part of the experiment. What we are finding is that so many different search engines show such varied results. I figured I would join in the fun to see if this gets picked up.

Blurb Looks Cool

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging,

One thing I like about the blogoshpere - you find out about interesting things through the blogs of people you know. Earlier today, I was perusing HorsePigCow and was pointed to Blurb. I checked out the Blurb site, and from what I read, it sounds impressive. Hopefully I can get a beta invite so I can actually give the service a spin. I am totally loving how there are so many different things out there that are helping the average Joe become more creative. Blurberati - hit me with an invite if you can spare one: andru AT gearlive.com.

Anyone out there have a CoComment invitation they might be willing to share? With all the buzz the service is starting to get, I am jonesing to try it out. If so, drop me a line at andru AT gearlive.com.

EDIT: Wow - the CoComment team is quick. Thanks for the invite guys!

Andru and Alijah

Sometimes it’s hard to fathom that the little life that I hold in my arms is real. I love this boy so much.

So, earlier today Scoble said he wasn’t buying a MacBook Pro because it doesn’t support the current PMCIA EV-DO cards. We have actually heard from Verizon sources who said they are hoping to have an ExpressCard version of an EV-DO card available in time for - or close to - the time that Apple starts shipping the MacBooks. We are still a couple of weeks away from that, and in the meantime, I don’t mind tethering my phone to the MacBook over USB or Bluetooth. ExpressCard is the “wave of the future” as far as notebook expandable card slots go. I actually look forward to seeing the ExpressCard EV-DO cards ship.

One other thing about Robert’s post - it isn’t only Apple that is shipping laptops without the PMCIA. This is actually related to the Intel Core Duo chip. Even Dell is shipping notebook PCs with an ExpressCard instead of the PMCIA slot.

Now, to solve all of this confusion, where are the USB EV-DO devices??

As can be seen here in the video above, not only is Alijah now walking around with great vigor, but he enjoys playing with the toy iPod that Chris Pirillo and Ponzi got him for Christmas. Thanks guys!

