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Monica always tells me how much ‘s personality is like mine. Not totally, but his little intricacies and nuances. I agree mostly, but the issue he had last week took the cake. He is totally in love with Cars, the Pixar movie. He has probably watched that movie in excess of 25 times. Anyway, when he last watched it, he wasn’t happy with the movie for some reason. He kept asking for it to be turned on, despite the fact that it was playing right in front of him. Monica didn’t understand his issue until she realized that the movie, which is widescreen, was being played in full-screen 4x3. At three years old, Alijah knew that this particular movie was not a pan and scan feature, and should thusly fill the entire screen. However, when he is actually watching 4x3 content, he is fine, so it isn’t something where he wants everything to be widescreen. Very funny, as he is becoming a little version of me - a miniature technophile, if you will.


So, I am in the process of looking at homes in the Seattle area for purchase, as it really is just about time to get on that bandwagon. Renting sucks, and I no longer see any reason to continue throwing money away month by month. Buying a home is just smarter. Of course, it is no easy task either. First of all, Zillow, can you explain to me why your site doesn’t work in Safari? I mean, seriously…this is 2007, right?

Aside from that, though, there are just so many places to look for homes. Obviously there are the sites of the traditional real estate agencies, then places like Zillow and Redfin, and of course Craigslist. Of course many homes are simply for sale by the owner, and a lot of those sites miss those unless the owner specifically lists it there. So yeah, there is no simple, easy, one-stop home buying shop that I have found to date - at least not for Seattle and it’s surrounding areas.

Speaking of which…I am so tempted…SO tempted to head a little north up to the Bothell/Redmond area. The sole reason is due to Verizon FIoS, and the promise of a 50 Mbps / 15 Mbps Internet connection for $179.99. That is just unreal, and for a company like Gear Live which is focusing on doing tons of Internet video content. Uploading over that kind of speed would be so much more beneficial and time-saving, and obviously downloading would be even better. Those are the speeds at which we need to be moving data at in this day and age.

Nonetheless, the home search continues…

This is just too cute. cuts a rug on the dance floor at Chris and Ponzi Pirillo’s wedding after much coaxing. He shakes his groove thang so well that he is even approach by Lila, daughter of our friends David and Cathia Geller. What you don’t see is him running away when he realizes she is asking to dance with him. Bonus points go out to Jesse and Brenda, the two dancing fools you see in the video with Alijah.

My little guy is getting all grown up (comparitively speaking.) When Alijah turned three, we figured we would have him try his luck at destroying a pinata. He needed a little help, but in the end, he did it. Oh, and why we hung it from a freaking Swiffer? Please…don’t ask. It wasn’t my decision. I love how in the middle of the video, he starts getting noticeably tired, but we keep cheering him on, as if we were deep into the child labor industry.

Oh, and we don’t still have the Christmas tree up. Alijah turned three back at the beginning of January.

I did an interview a few days ago with Jennifer Jones, the host of PodTech’s Marketing Voices. We talked about the future of journalism, and what we referred to as “the death of print.” For those not in the know, major companies are starting to approach bloggers more and more for coverage of their products. Heck, at , we recorded almost 200 episodes of The Bleeding Edge, something I am almost certain no other “traditional” media outlet came close to doing.

Read More | Marketing Voices: Andru Edwards and the Death of Print via PodTech

George BudabinToday the world truly lost one of it’s greatest assets when my father, George Budabin, succumbed to lung cancer and passed away. There is so much for me to say about this man, and there is no way that it can all be said.

George Budabin and his wife Kathy McQuown (known to me affectionately as Dad and Mom) adopted me when I was 16 years old. Having lived a life that, up to that point, felt very short on love and trust thanks to 12 years in the New York City foster care system, I had no idea what love in a stable and permanent home even meant. The issues that I had with just learning to trust that my parents loved me like they said they did were deep. Not that I didn’t believe them, but rather, I frankly didn’t understand it. It was a foreign concept to me.

Click to continue reading The Loss of a Hero: Goodbye Dad

So, while I was preparing to post a smattering of images from my trip to Puerto Rico, which is just an amazingly beautiful place, even at this time of year, I got a call that meant leaving immediately despite only being here for 3 out of 9 scheduled days. My father, George Budabin, was diagnosed with lung cancer some months ago. I will go into more of those details in my next post more than likely, but suffice to day, things aren’t looking good. I am sitting here in the airport getting ready to board a red-eye flight into NYC’s JFK airport so that I can be by his side as soon as humanly possible. I just got off the phone with his, and as he lay in his hospital bed, too weak to even hold the phone to his ear on his own, he had just three things to say to me before he was too tired to continue. Mark my words, I will never forget them:

1) I am proud of the man you have become, and the man I know you will be.
2) Thank you for loving me, and for allowing me to love you.
3) Thank you for Alijah.

Of course, I had more than a few things to say back to him - but it is impossible to fit what would take you hours to say into a 20-second increment of time. There is just no way I can tell this man - my father - what he means to me, and how infinitely grateful I am for all the ways that he has fought, sacrificed, loved, and guided me to make me who I am today. I just can’t.

Update: My father, George Budabin, passed away on Tuesday, December 19, 2006.

So, a couple of months ago I was one of the speakers at the 2006 Blog Business Summit in Seattle, WA. As a thank you to some of the speakers and better performing affiliates, Steve Broback and company flew us over to Washington’s wine country, courtesy of a couple of jets from Greenpoint Technologies. As always, we had our cameras in tow, and put together the montage video that you see above.

We had a birthday party for myself and my friend Jesse. Aside from having all our friends dress us up like robots (as in, the ugliest robots ever,) we filled the bathroom with balloons so that the first person who had to go would likely wet themselves from the shock. During the filling of the bathroom, my son Alijah was having a good time in there. Take a look.

A few months ago, we were sitting around the house, bored, when my friend Jesse suggested that we go across the street to the field and do some sort of stop-motion video. We didn’t really have a plan, but he, Tommy, and I went out there, and what transpired was about 45 minutes of Butt Scootering. Check the video above to see what I mean.

