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Saturday November 5, 2005 1:30 am

Tara Hunt Crashing With The Edwards’ Tonight

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Business,

So Tara Hunt is about to fly in from California to hit up Mind Camp this weekend. In order to save on hotel fees (hey, she is the only one flying in for this thing!) she is gonna stay at our place tonight. I expect her to get in late - but little does she know that she will have to arrive at the Mind Camp venue with me tomorrow at 7:00 AM - a full three hours before the event starts. Last minute details must be done, although I am sure that attendees wouldn’t mind some of the things I am stressing over (it is a free event after all.)

I look forward to meeting Miss Rogue - and getting my alpha Riya account. You hear that Tara?? 😊



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